‘Lockdown Journal Chennai’ book release on Saturday at Ranade Library. Essays, fiction, poetry and more written during pandemic years.

30-plus residents of Chennai contributed short fiction, poetry, photos, essays and long notes during the pandemic years to an online only journal titled – Lockdown Journal Chennai- LJC.

The editor was Praveena Shivram; she sourced the contributions from artists, photographers, freelancers, journalists and poets, and professional and hobby writers.

Now, the content has been published as a book – titled Lockdown Journal Chennai- LJC. 

It will be released at Ranade Library, Luz ( Sastri Hall campus) on Saturday, March 11, 7 p.m.

A few contributors will speak at this event. Open to all.

South India National Association and Mylapore Times are hosting this event.

Copies on sale at venue and at Mylapore Times, the publisher ( Contact – 24982244).

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