At Mylapore Post Office, access for seniors at Aadhar Card service centre is painful

Mylapore Post Office offers a variety of services to the public and adds more now and then.
But does it have some basic facilities in place to make life easy for its clients, especially seniors?
One San Thomite says the Post Office managers must pay attention to one serious issue.  Make some areas which have counters for public services, more senior citizen easy. One place that needs attention is the Aadhar Card services section.
Sashikala Chandran says that she had a bitter experience when her 95 year old mother had to have her mobile number linked to her Aadhar card and it could be done at the Post Office.
She says since the finger prints of senior citizens  get worn out, identification on documents like Aadhar cards have to be compulsorily be carried out at an E Seva office or at a post office – for iris verification.
She says that at Mylapore Post Office on Kutchery Road, the section where the Aadhar card services are provided is situated  in the basement where access is possible only by negotiating painfully, three uneven steps followed by walking down a steep downward slope.
She asks, “What if old people slip and fall? Why can’t the India Post  authorities make alternate arrangements whereby the elderly need not be put to such undue hardship.”
Sashikala does have a word of appreciation – for the postmen who visited their home in San Thome for fingerprint verification.  “They were most obliging and kind,” she says.
Photo: Sashikala Chandran
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