Urbaser urges people to segregate waste. Violators are being reminded, door to door now.

Urbaser Sumeet, the private company which clears waste from your colony has been running a campaign to inform households who do not segregate waste to do so.

Their staff have begun pasting stickers on the gates/ entrance walls of apartment blocks and houses where they find the waste is often left mixed for Urbaser staff to collect.

Though fines are contemplated on households which continue to mix waste and dump it in their bins, a Urbaser supervisor for the Mylapore-Triplicane zone says that they will first impress on erring households on the need to segregate before taking punitive action.

“While some communities have neatly executed the waste disposal plans, some people don’t care, ” said this staffer, who wished to remain anonymous.

“We find that while small families whose members leave for work early throw the waste into street corner bins whenever they get time, many maids fling mixed waste into these bins,” he adds.

He says that Urbaser wants families engaging maids to follow waste segregation rules.

“If people don’t have large bins, let them just leave the waste packs at their gates and our staff will clear them. But segregation is key,” he says.

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