Remembering Vani Jairam: anecdotes from the Mylapore Trio

Vani Jairam was a very close associate and a well wisher of the Mylapore Trio – Amarnath, Surendranath and Aparna – who have been promoting cultural events and workshops locally for many years.

Her connection with their family goes back to decades.

Amarnath said that Trio’s foster mother was Vani’s teacher at Lady Sivaswami Ayyar Girls School at Mylapore.

Recalls Amarnath who was history professor, “Sumukhi Amma used to tell us that Vani’s original name was Kalaivani in school and that she was a great singer and had won many laurels in many competitions especially music. She was a multi-talented student who excelled in both academics and extracurricular activities.”

Recalls Surendranth, ” Vani Jairam was the chief guest for the birth centenary celebration of Sumukhi Rajasekharan in April 1916 held at Lady Sivaswami School. She said that Sumukhi teacher was an expert in subject and loving and humble in nature and was her beloved teacher. The same year ( 2016 ) she came home to see our unique theme golu, along with her husband Jairam and rendered songs on the goddess.”

Aparna says that Vani had visited the Mylapore Trio’s new house for the kanakabhishekam of Sumukhi Rajasekharan.  “Vani Jairam would call us for any personal help. The two families’ bonding goes back to many decades,” says Aparna.

Amarnath says the Trio spoke to her and congratulated her on January 26 when it became public that she was chosen for the Padma Bhushan award.

Surendranath says they took the holy Ganga sombu which they had got from Varanasi and placed it on Vani’s body.  “It was an emotional moment for us and for Vani’s family,” says Surendranath.


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