Meet young author Advaith Yogesh of Mandaveli. He is into his second book.

Advaith Yogesh has started work on his second book which is a crime fiction novel but he says he is yet to comprehend the success of his first book, Elude.

An eighth-grader from Sri Sankara Senior Secondary School, Adyar, Advaith says he was initiated into  the reading habit at the age of six.

Hailing from a family of professionals, Advaith says he felt at ease to discuss his aspirations with his parents.

“I have always liked writing and because I took to reading from a young age, the process was easier.  It happened organically. When I discussed the idea of writing a book with my father, he said he would support me in the venture,” says Advaith. And so, he went on to write his first called ‘The Elude’.

Advaith’s father, Yogesh Padmanabhan and his mother, Vishnupriya Narayanan are doing their best to encourage the budding writer. Advaith has a younger brother, Abhinav.

Advaith says Emerald Publishers were supportive, encouraged him and gave him multiple reviews. 

Advaith’s book was displayed well at the Emerald Publishers’ stall at the recent Chennai Book Fair and many celebrities visited the stall. He got the opportunity to rub shoulders with them.

Advaith wants to become an aerospace engineer but also wants to continue with his passion of writing his mind out and entertaining people.   

The Elude is a science fiction story where the world is on the verge of extinction and people need to find a way to escape from the horrors the world has in store for them. A young adult and his colleagues try to save the world.

Advaith lives at Ragamalika Apartments, 91, Thiruvengadam Street, Mandaveli, Chennai – 28. Email:

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