Art Fest 2023 at park in Luz. Three art contests for children. Feb.26

As part of the Art Fest 2023 event on February 26 when 75 plus artists will display their works across one section of Nageswara Rao Park, Luz ( 7 am to 7pm), there will be three art contests for children.

Venue: Chess Square at Park. Feb.26.

1st contest – At 11 am: For 11 to 15 year olds. Any medium. Theme: Nageswara Rao Park. l

2nd contest – At 3 p.m. For 8 to 11 year olds. Use only Crayons. Theme: My Street

3rd contest – At 4.30 p.m. Open to school students, any age. Any medium. Theme: Nature

There is no pre-registration for the contests. Children must just report at the venue and sign up. Participants must bring their own art materials, medium, paper, etc. Each contest runs for 45 mins.

Participants must carry school ID cards.

Prizes will be awarded on the spot.

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