Mylapore Festival 2023: launch with ‘mikeless’ concert in park this Thursday morning

Sunshine breaks out a tad early now; and the mist is less than it was in December.

This was a nice setting for the launch of the 2023 edition of Sundaram Finance MYLAPORE FESTIVAL; at Nageswara Rao Park in Luz.

Students of Pradosh School of Fine Arts performed in the enclosure of the Chess Square at the rear of the park, for an hour starting 7 a.m. Ghatam teacher N. Rajaraman runs this academy.

Walkers who chose to take a break sat down to enjoy the music; mikes and speakers are not used here.

Similar concerts will be held Friday to Sunday.

The main stage cultural events and the streets for food, crafts and exhibitions are around Sri Kapali Temple; all open post 5.30 pm.

The mikeless concerts idea has been one of the earliest events of the Festival; Sundaram Finance has carried on hosting similar concerts on the first Sunday morning here and this has been a stage for many hundreds young music students.

All info on the Festival at

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