Flag hoisted at R. A. Puram church to launch annual feast of saint Lazarus

The annual celebration of the feast of saint Lazarus began at Our Lady of Guidance Church in R. A. Puram on Thursday evening with the hoisting of the flag and Holy Mass.

The feast is on from January 19 to 29.

On Thursday, four chariots ( ther) hosting the statues of a few saints were parked in the church campus. The pleasing decoration and the soft lighting of each of these cars drew people to them, especially children. They were later taken out in procession in the area.

On Jan. 28 evening is the colourful multi-car procession, to be held after the Mass. The statues of Mother Mary and of eight saints will be taken out in procession through the neighbourhood streets. The procession takes at least 3 hours and returns to the church close to midnight – this is an old tradition of the church congregation.

  • Inputs from Juliana Sridhar
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