Mylapore Festival 2023: Kutcheris to be held on four mornings in park in Luz

Since the Sundaram Finance Mylapore Festival was launched, Nageswara Rao Park has been one of the ‘automatic’ venues of open air public spaces to locate one set of performances.

The ‘mikeless’ kutcheris suited this green zone well and so this 2023 Festival will feature four concerts, starting daily at 7 a.m. at the Chess Square ( rear side of the park(.

Here is the schedule –

Jan. 5 – 8 / 7 am – 8 am

Jan. 5 – Students of Pradosh School of Fine Arts
Jan. 6 – Students of Padma Seshadri Bala Bhavan Senior Secondary School, T. Nagar
Jan. 7 – Students of Madura Ganalaya: guru Kamala Ramanathan
Jan. 8– Students of Sruthilaya School; guru Suresh Raman

All info on the Festival at

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