As margazhi season dawns, music and chanting resound on mada streets

There was a lot of music and chanting in the air on the four mada streets around Sri Kapali Temple as Mylapore woke up to the first morning of the margazhi season.

In the inner streets – like Sadayappan Street, New Street and Sri Kapali East Tank Street, we were greeted by an array of kolams at doorsteps – some coloured, some classic; some small, some large; some designed at midnight, some drawn before dawn.

And even as dawn broke, on the mada streets around Sri Kapali Temple, at least three groups of people had begun their bhajan rounds.

One, mostly made up of women was led by children who, with some props, reflected the traditions of margazhi. The late Papanasam Sivan’s bhajan tradition was also continued since this morning; the well-known composer’s daughter led a small group of women who sang and performed with vigour.

The groups ended their morning offering on Sannidhi Street and some had arranged for light breakfast, with members having to go early to work.

The margazhi bhajan groups will do the rounds all through the season; some start by 5 am, some after 6 am. People can join the groups.

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