A Christmastime act. Newly married man of Alwarpet church funds wedding of three couples

This was a Christmastime act of goodness. And it concerns CSI Good Shepherd Church in Alwarpet,
V.  P. Raju, who used to be in the church pastorate committee and  is a lay preacher sponsored the marriages of three poor couples from the villages.

Jebin Draviyam, the son of V. P. Raju and Annabel, got married to Anjali on December 21 at Good Shepherd Church. It was his wish that his wedding should be conducted in a simple manner and that funds must support the marriage of three poor couples who live in villages.
According to his wish, the marriages of Praveen Kumar and Deepalakshmi from Tiruttani, Raghubabu and Seshamma from Kollagunta and Chellappa and Mala from Nagalapuram and Nallalur-Poonimangadu respectively were conducted on December 22 in Good Shepherd Church.
The entire expenses were borne by V. P. Raju and his family.  The Women’s Fellowship group of the parish lent a hand to the families of the brides and grooms and sang in the choir for the wedding service.
The marriages were solemnised by Rev. G. Earnest Selva Durai. The occasion was co-ordinated by the Secretary of the pastorate committee Y Bhuvanesh Kumar and  Treasurer Rajini Kannan.
– Report by Juliana Sridhar 
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