Monsoon: new channel being created to drain floodwater from East Abiramapuram

With the break in the monsoon this week, local area Chennai Corporation staff have got down to some urgent civic work at the Dr. Ranga Road-East Abiramapuram intersection on Thursday morning.
A JCB vehicle was employed to excavate a section of the road to provide an underground connection from East Abiramapuram to Ranga Road, a drain that can lead floodwater.
Officials at this spot told Mylapore Times that the work was undertaken to ensure that the floodwater flowing from the East Abiramapuram area is led to the storm water line on Dr.Ranga Road.
They said that this new connection would ensure that there is no stagnation of water in East Abiramapuram and that the water will ease into the storm water drain line already completed on Dr.Ranga Road.
Kumaravel, AE, Chennai Corporation was present at this site to oversee the work.
– Report, photo: S. Prabhu
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One Comment on “Monsoon: new channel being created to drain floodwater from East Abiramapuram”

  1. Why is Madras and India so underdeveloped with such poor quality and standards of anything and everything..roads,water,air,pollution,milk,groceries…name it. Can’t blame anyone.. just turn the pages to 1940s and see the quality and standards. To live in such filth and garbage is no life.

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