Illustrated talk on ‘Dubashes’ of colonial Madras. Nov.24

‘The Dubash – A Journey from Interpreters to Native Nobility’ is the theme of an illustrated talk that writer-columnist and historian Venkatesh Ramakrishnan will give  on Thursday, November 24 at Ashvita’s art gallery, 4, 2nd Street, Dr. R K Salai, Mylapore.

The dubashes, who are said to have been proficient in two languages, including English were small in number but were at the core of the East India Company setting up shop in Madras, playing multiple roles in linking up with the local people, businesses and all.

They rose in stature and some stand out in history for the key roles they played which led to the English growing deep roots and raising the Empire.

The talk is open to all, starts at 6.30 p.m.

  • Photo here is of the speaker
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