Docs and nursing students spread awareness on care for the heart. St. Isabel’s Hospital event.

On the occasion of World Heart Day, St. Isabel’s Hospital organised a public awareness programme that featured talks, a mime act by the nursing students, and an awareness walk.

Cardiologists Dr. Margaret and Dr. Shamsuddeen spoke about the importance of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle, undergoing annual health checks, and on the need to seeking medical assistance on experiencing symptoms suggestive of cardiac illness such as shortness of breath, chest pain or discomfort, pain in the neck, jaw, upper belly or back.

Dietitian Kuralarasi spoke about the role of a healthy diet and the impact of processed foods or junk food that contain high amounts of sugar, salt, and trans fats.

The nursing students from St. Isabel’s College of Nursing and pharmacy students from School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies undertook a walk through the neighbourhood to raise awareness about screening for hypertension by checking blood pressure.

  • This report was based on the hospital’s communication
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