As Deepavali shopping buzz builds, shops for sweets present smart packs

The Deepavali shopping buzz is certainly not high in the hubs of Mylapore zone, be it in Luz or R A Puram or off Alwarpet.

Shoppers are streaming into shops but one cannot say the stores are packed to the gates.

But spaces which are not only getting busy but also giving us an idea of the smart packaging and marketing that has got into shopping are the shops for sweets and savouries.

Be it at Surya Sweets in R. A. Puram, Nithyamirtham on the Mada Street, at Thaligai in Luz, the packaging is now top class. The packs are themed and attractive, come in different sizes and options and yes, well priced too.

One marketing executive at a local restaurant said that they have clients who are particular on the content and the packaging when they shop for gifting purposes. People placing large orders from offices in the zone also look for slick packets.


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