Rundown gym at Nageswara Rao Park: workers seal off ‘danger’ accessories again after minor mishap

Workers have been sealing off exercise equipment in the open air gym inside Nageswara Rao Park in Luz after Mylapore Times reported top of this week that a senior citizen escaped from grievous injury while using one accessory inside the gym.

These workers said that they have sealed the equipment that is vandalised / broken down, so that users do not use them and can use only the ones in good shape.

They say that some people mess around with the sealsĀ  when nobody is around the gym area.

Park managers have a litany of complaints which they say GCC has not attended to – key being a better secured boundary wall and better security personnel posted here.

Some park users are also hurting life in the parkĀ  – there are people to steal freshly-laid saplings and lure privately-contracted workmen here to come to their homes and maintain the garden / plants.


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