Rs.4,66,000 given to 62 students by Mylapore Times Charitable Trust this season

62 students received funds to pursue their studies either in Plus Two or in college, funds from Mylapore Times Charitable Trust ( MTCT). They hailed from 12 local schools.

A sum total of Rs.4,66,00 was disbursed the past two months and all students who gained were from economically poor sections of the Mylapore zone.

This is an annual exercise of MTCT; it has been going on for over 20 years and this year’s disbursal is the highest.

The total donation that was received in recent times totalled Rs.572,650; of this Mylapore Times donated Rs.450,000

while Rs.122,650 has this far, come from well wishers and Mylaporeans.

Mylapore Times donates some of its profits to MTCT and this year, despite the slow earnings due to the pandemic-time after-effect on business, the newspaper chose to donate more to meet the pressing needs of young people.
MTCT pays a few monthly bills that support local area projects.
Donations are still open; call manager Shanthi at 24982244 and she will arrange simple bank transfer to be made.
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