‘What She Said: Six Voices from the Ramayana’. Play by Gowri Ramnarayan. Aug.26 & 27.

What She Said: Six Voices from the Ramayana. This is the title of a play to be staged on Friday August 26, 7 pm & Saturday Aug 27, 4 pm by JustUs Repertory and Chennai Art Theatre at Medai, Alwarpet. 
This play has been written and directed by  Gowri Ramnarayan and stars  Sunandha Raghunathan, Akhila Ramnarayan and Aarabi Veeraraghavan
Live music designed and performed by Nisha Rajagopalan and lighting design by B Charles
Tickets: Rs 300/- on BookMyShow
Here is a note on the play from the director –
Think Ramayana, and you think heroes. Mostly men. What about the  women who lurk in the shadows of the great epic?   Gowri Ramnarayan takes a close look at Urmila, Manthara, Surpanakha, Tara, Mandodari, and the forgotten Shanta, as individuals in their own right.
As the six characters struggle to make sense of their lives, the audience discovers that these ‘epic women’ belong to our world – right here, right now.
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