Sweets, cosmetics, belts, milk: on display and sale at this Vegan Festival in Alwarpet

CPREEC has organised a Vegan Festival at the C.P. Art Centre, 1 Eldams Road, Alwarpet, Chennai 600 018 on July 22, 23 and 24, 2022 highlighting the importance of veganism.

It is open from 10 am to 7.30pm. All day long.

Brands on display include : The Viridian Plates – Vegan food / One Good – Vegan Milk and Milk products / Nature & Trails – Wellness products / Vijay Sweets / House of Viba – Ahimsa silks Frigoscan – Vegan Ice creams and Health products / Catalyst Food – Mayo and Mock meat / Tempeh Chennai – Tempeh /  Half Time – Brownies / Tamu Tamu – Fresh Foods / Raw Earth – Cosmetics / No Hide – Belts, wallets, shoes / Jananom Natural Nutrition – Plant based health mixes / White Leaf Wellness – Health and wellness products (plant based)

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