Please do not honk for no reason: police on a campaign

Mylapore Traffic Police is conducting an anti honking education campaign as part of the city wide drive – requesting drivers to restrain themselves from unnecessary honking.
On Friday evening, a team of traffic police personnel took a written pledge from hundreds of vehicle drivers at the Luz Circle junction.
Inspector Ravichandran told Mylapore Times that the team is targeting to get 5000 drivers to undertake the written pledge that they will not honk unnecessarily.
Report, photo: S. Prabhu
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2 Comments on “Please do not honk for no reason: police on a campaign”

  1. This is good initiative. On a recent visit to Chennai I was greatly annoyed by motorists and scooters constantly using their horns without any reason. some of these vehicles also seem to be using loud horns that give you the impression that a heavy vehicle is behind.
    finally while educating drivers to use horns only when absolutely necessary to avoid an accident or collision it must be part of a broader campain of public education to follow all traffic rules and road etiquette. I found it particularly disturbing that there is little or no regard for road signs and rules particularly with regard to one way streets. Even traffic police seem to be ignoring such violations. a major enforcement campaign is needed.

  2. The police and Chennai corporation have major task to streamline heavy traffic, inprovising traffic automatic lights, better roads condition. This is real absurd. Checking honking for a week. Wonder which comedian initiated this

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