Councillor, residents and Urbaser help clear smelly dump space on Lazarus Church Road

There was a time when there were four overflowing garbage bins provided stench and created unhygienic conditions for several years at the entrance of Chennai Corporation Park at Lazarus Church Road, Mandavelipakkam.

The presence of EB transformer and poqwer junction boxes nearby added to sore sight, as many people used this area as a dump yard and a free urinal.

An appeal was made to the ward councillor  Amirdha Varshini of Ward 126 to turn this into a clean space for the numerous walkers and regular users of the park.

She got the support of local unit of Greater Corporation of Chennai, Urbaser Sumeet and other stakeholders, got the garbage bins removed, supported Urbaser Sumeet in its objective of door-to-door collection.

Residents chipped in.

Thanks to the initiative of the 5th Cross Street RWA, some potted plants were set up in the place of garbage bins, sponsored by a resident in the street and this makes the park entrance today more approachable and inviting.

RWA members of 5th Cross Street led by Soundar and Suresh helped.

  • Report and photo – Hema Narayanan (resident of Lazarus Church Road)
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