Veda Sammelanams to be held in Mylapore. July 7 to 10.

The Mylapore Veda Adhyayanan Sabha  (regd.) founded by Sri Sankaracharyar Swamigal of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti peetam in 1932, in collaboration with Veda Dharma Sastra Paripalana Sabha, Kumbakonam  are conducting Veda Sammelanams at the sabha premises in Mylapore from July 7 to 10. 

The Sammelanams consists of Veda Parayanams (for the four Vedas) and will be held in the mornings and afternoon sessions for the first  3 days.

On the fourth day avahanthi homam will be done for the welfare of the people. During evenings, Dharma Sastra Upanyasams will be held by senior vidwans.

About 20 Vedic pundits will be involved in the recitation of the Vedas, says K. Sriram, manager of the Sabha.

For further details, contact The Mylapore Veda Adhyanana Sabha, No.22, Pitchu Pillai Street (Lane) Mylapore. Contacts – 9840387441/8754542449 

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