Sri Madhava Perumal Temple ‘recovered’ property hangs in the balance

After almost three decades, Madhava Perumal Temple repossessed their property on the eastern side of Kutchery Road diagonally opposite the popular Dabba Chetty Kadai.

The one ground property was given to the temple as a donation in the 20th century by Sri Ramudu Chettiar, a devotee of the temple. When the temple authorities found it difficult to get the tenant to vacate, they went to court. It was a long drawn battle that the HR & CE Dept. finally won getting the eviction mandate from the Court in February this year.

While it seemed to be finally good news for the temple and they were planning to renovate the building and construct a shopping complex to let out, another challenge has come in its way.

CMRL, has informed the temple that the location of this property is in line with the construction of the Metro rail line and some part of it may have to make way for the work.

Sources in the temple said that they are not yet clear as to what portion of the one ground will be taken away and what will be left.

Once this is confirmed, they will decide on the next steps.

  • Report by S. Prabhu
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