Clarke School for the Deaf celebrates Helen Keller’s Day

The teachers and children at Clarke School for the Deaf in Mylapore celebrated Helen Keller’s Day on June 27 at the campus.

The day marks the birthday of this American who championed the rights of the less abled, more the deaf-blind community. Keller suffered from this disability after a bout of illness in her childhood.

At Clarke School, the students put up a simple skit on Keller.

The school’s secretary, S. N. Srikanth says that the occasion was also used to send the message out that guardians of children with deaf-blind and such disabilities must admit such children to schools like Clarke’s so that the special educators can educate them with professional methods.

Srikanth says Clarke School is making an effort to approach Chennai Corporation to help sensitise its teachers and principals to the facilities that special children can avail instead of them being pushed to attend local schools where there are no special educators. This way, the guardians can be directed to special schools when the need arises.

Clarke School is on 3rd Street, Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore. Ph.: 2847 5422

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