Intermediate, advanced courses in Carnatic vocal music at Narada Gana Sabha

Swami Haridhos Giri School of Music at Narada Gana Sabha, Alwarpet is issuing and accepting applications  from students of Carnatic music for Intermediate and Advanced course of 3 years in Carnatic vocal music.

A note from the sabha states that after completion of course, successful candidates with any bachelor’s degree in any discipline will be eligible to join M.A.(Music) of Madras University. 

The school commences classes in the first week of June.

Classes will be held in the evenings during week days. Age limit 12 to 35 years.  Applicants should know a minimum 5 Varnams.  Classes in the evenings.

The faculty: Prof. Dr. R.S. Jayalakshmi, vidwan C.R. Vaidyanathan and vidushi Padmini Ravi

Applications  are now available at Sabha office. Contact Sabha office for details. Phone: 2499 3201




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