Chennai School student impresses at city contest with his ‘green’ project

A school project themed on the environment took school student D. Ashwanth to the final round of a contest which offered as prizes an educational tour to the United Kingdom for eight city students from Chennai Schools.

Ashwanth is a Class 7 student at Chennai High School on Sringeri Mutt Road, Mandaveli and resides in Kottur. He entered this contest conducted by Chennai Corporation and Rotary Club of Madras East open only to students in Chennai Schools that the city’s civic body manages. Students from some 70 schools participated in the junior and senior student categories.

Ashwanth’s project was based on the concept of storing seeds in dry cow dung balls and using them in local or large-scale planting to green spaces in the simplest way.

This project made it to the final round of eight but could not bag the prize of a trip to the UK.

Said P. Paulraj, headmaster of this school, “The boy is happy his work made it to the finals. At our school, we encourage all kinds of activities.”

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One Comment on “Chennai School student impresses at city contest with his ‘green’ project”

  1. Congratulations Mr. Ashwanth
    I am old student on this canal bank school sirugeri madam salai. Year of passing 2000 batch. Very good school I am proud to say. Thanks for all teachers, head master, parents and Mylapore Times .

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