High Court directs Mylapore Club and HR & CE to discuss re-fixing rental

Madras High Court had last week directed the officers at Sri Kapali Temple to de-seal the Mylapore Club that had been sealed by the temple authorities a week earlier. As per the directions, the court has given two months for the two parties to discuss and agree on a fair monthly rent.

The temple’s executive officer, D Kaveri told Mylapore Times on Tuesday evening that she would wait for Mylapore Club to revert with a response on the amount that the club is willing to pay every month.

While it logical that this rent could be anywhere between the rent the club has been paying and the rent that the temple has been demanding,  Kaveri was not willing to commit to this as she said that the guideline value of the property and an appropriate rent relevant to the guideline value should be borne in mind while arriving at a rental figure for all its properties.

In pursuance to the court order, The Mylapore Club re-opened its facilities on Tuesday.

Sources at the Mylapore Club said that the court has directed for the rent to be fixed afresh. The two parties will have to sit together to discuss and agree on the rent as per the fair market value.

The next hearing at the court has been fixed for June 6 where the two parties have to present a mutually agreed rent.
In case they are not able to agree on a fair rent, they will have to present their grievance at the court at the next hearing
– Report by S. Prabhu
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