Dog missing from Alamelumangapuram

Have you seen this dog which has gone missing?

A message of this was received this morning at the Mylapore Times office.

This is the picture of Tommy, a ‘community sentinel’ dog of the Alamelumangapuram area.
She has gone missing from the morning of March 14 . She responds to Tommy, wears a red collar.

Anyone sighting her may please call 7358064977/9499935059
People are told not attempt to apprehend the dog as it might force her to move to out further.

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One Comment on “Dog missing from Alamelumangapuram”

  1. We, the residents of Alamelumangapuram would like to thank Mylapore Times for covering the missing report for “Tommy”. She returned home today morning with much adulation, patting, words, and tears.

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