Mylapore Times Trust funds grant of new uniforms for school children in R. A. Puram school

A section of students who attend St. Lazarus Middle School located off Madha Church Road in R A Puram were presented with a set of new school uniforms soon after the school reopened on Feb.1.

This was made possible partly with a donation made by the Mylapore Times Charitable Trust. This is an annual donation that is made when the new academic year begins but this year, due to the pandemic conditions the donation and the stitching of uniforms was delayed.

Uniforms are given to children who hail from poor families.

Funds in the MTCT come from donations made by Mylaporeans and by Mylapore Times. Besides the support to this school, the Trust grants annually scholarships valued at about Rs.2 lakhs to some 20 senior students of Mylapore schools who excel in studies but need funds to pay fees.

This 2021 scholarships were completed in August/Sept last year.

Donations, which get tax exemptions can be made online. Call Shanthi at Mylapore Times at 24982244.

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