Twins pen book on ‘miracles of Jesus’.

Sanvi Pinto and Vidan Pinto, 11-year-old twins have authored a book on ‘the miracles of Jesus’ and this small book was launched  at an online event held recently

The twins are residents of  R.A. Puram and students of PSBB School.

The chief guest for the function was Vikram Raghavan, lead counsel at World Bank, US.
The twins have in their own style, narrated 20 miracles of Jesus they chose from the Bible. Catchy captions and illustrations accompany each story.  The book is priced at Rs 50 and is pocket-sized. It is ideal for children and for use in Catechism classes held in churches, says the publisher.
To order copies,  e-mail –
Report by Juliana Sridhar
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