‘Tap the groundwater and stop using Metrowater’; expert’s advice to residents who find their campus soggy

Top of this week, a resident of D’Silva Road called up rainwater harvesting expert Shekar Raghavan of the Rain Centre to discuss a recurring problem the monsoon has created.

The man’s driveway was oozing with the water to this day, so what must his community do to tackle this problem, was his query.

‘Tap the groundwater and stop using Metrowater,’ is Shekar Raghavan’s advice.

He says the ground water across most zones of the city, including Mylapore is almost at ground level and it will take weeks for it to drop down and this will happen slowly.

Shekar says you can do what many have done; pump out the water and waste it on the street.

The sensible option is to sink a shallow tubewell and tap the water, or as long term solution, sink an open well which will serve well for many years when the rains are bountiful.

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