For QMC’s non-teaching staff, lessons on dealing with stress and enjoying the value of laughing

For all the non- teaching staff of Queen Mary’s College, Chennai,  this was a never-yet experience.

A stress management workshop was organised by the post-graduate Department of Home Science on December 30. The staff were also joined by a group of students.

In the first session, students enacted skits, role plays and mimes to drive home the point that adopting the right attitude while discharging one’s duties, making the right choices with respect to life style – particularly food and rest-  were key factors in eliminating stress and leading a robust life, said Dr Kalaivani, head of this department.

Vasanthibabu, campus counsellor spoke next – her take on leading a stress free life, was to be attentive and experience joy in every little activity in our daily routine.

One session saw the entire hall reverberating with roars of laughter, as an excited audience followed the laughter exercises that were demonstrated by S. Sampath.

This was perhaps a nice way to end the year 2021 and carry home a timely message.

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