Elections to city council: Local units of political parties abuzz as cadres await release of names of candidates

Suddenly, there is a lot of buzz at the local area offices of political parties now that elections to the the city council have been announced. They are on February 19.

Six of the seven wards that cover most areas of the larger Mylapore zone are reserved for women. And while Makkal Neidhi Maiam, the party led by Kamalhassan has begun releasing the names of its candidates, the other parties are expected to do so on Monday or Tuesday.

A BJP senior from Mylapore said that the party has already screened the applicants and was ready to release the list. Perhaps, it is the ‘alliance’ factor that is delaying this action.

The DMK is expected to put up its candidates in all the local wards since it made an impressive impact in the poll for the state Assembly and we are told that there is much jostling by women of the party who are keen to get the nod, assuming that the party has the big advantage now.

Mylapore zone has had a large number of seats for women in the past two elections to the city council though only a few of the elected made signal contributions.

One ex-councillor, a woman says that money and muscle power plays such a big role even in local elections that she wonders if those who have little of it can ever contest fairly.

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