Prayers, sales, games and food: Thanksgiving morning at CSI church in San Thome

The community of CSI St. Thomas English Church at San Thome came together to celebrate its annual Thanksgiving Festival on Sunday, December 5.

As the 179-year-old church is currently undergoing repairs on the roof, a special thanksgiving service led by the Presbyter Rev. J Paul Sudhakar was held in the semi-permanent structure on the campus.

After the Holy Communion service, people spread out to unwind.

A sale of eatables and handicrafts, organised by the various Fellowship groups of the church began. Breakfast options, home-made eatables, pickles, freshly made pizzas, pasta and Tacos were available.

Embroidered home furnishing and masks were on sale. Games, a Tambola session and a Bible quiz kept the participants engaged as they waited to get their orders for biryani packets to take home for lunch time.

Gathering after several months, the congregation members participated enthusiastically.

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  • Report by Fabiola Jacob
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