Former MLA arranges driving training for women, scholarships for students

Former Mylapore MLA, R. Nataraj recently arranged for the training in driving of a group of young women aimed at providing a skill that can get them a job.

These women have now got their learner’s licence. The MLA says Rs.9500 had to be spent on each trainee to get them skilled to this point.

“Once these women get the proper licence we can send word to people who wish to employ them,” says Nataraj who now works out of his office at Swathi Apartments on 3rd Main Road in R. A. Puram. “Senior citizens and women who need a car all the time can employ these women.”

The former MLA also provided education assistance for the children of some poor families in Mylapore zone. One hundred beneficiaries each were given Rs. 3000.

Nataraj says these projects are supported by the family-run Ramakamalam Trust. “My brother and sister, nieces and nephews abroad donate as do some of my well-wishers,” says Nataraj.

You can reach Nataraj here –  7358-418871 ( talk to Satish, office assistant ).


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