Dance, music, kathakalakshepam and kolattam: Jan.2 margazhi event in Chitrakulam zone

This margazhi, Bharatanatyam teacher Padma Raghavan of Mylapore intends to give the season a creative offering of music and dance flavour around the Chitrakulam.

On January 2, Sunday morning, Padma’s students will dance to a few Thiruppavai pasurams as they move from Sri Vedanta Desikar Temple into the Chitrakulam zone in procession.

This event will also have dancer-anchor Sashirekha Balasubramanian presenting a kathakalakshepam as part of this procession.

Padma says a few boys and girls will be dressed as lord Krishna and Andal and take part in the procession ( If you or your children wish to participate, you may join this party).

Padma, who runs Silambam dance academy and is guru Sudharani Raghupathy’s sishya says she has also invited a group of women to perform kolattam.

On Sunday, January 2, 6.45 am onwards from Sri Vedanta Desikar Temple.

  • File photo used here shows Padma with her dancers at a past event.
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