Workers and pumps still clearing the floodwaters in Seethammal Colony

With the sun out for the third day, it allowed civic workers to toil hard to rid of Seethammal Colony in Alwarpet of its flood waters on Sunday. This was one of the worst-hit areas with waters rising to knee high sine top of last week.

It needed visits by senior officials to get the civic machinery going – the water was pumped out on to TTK Road but flooded streets on the other side. Now, even as workers clear the drains of muck, sewage has mixed with rainwater and the awful stink pervades the air in the colony. The water still on the streets is more sewage than rainwater now.

While the central portion of a portion of the street leading from TTK Road is dry, water is still being pumped out inside the colony while sewage outlets force out the flows they cannot take anymore.

The colony sank in the waters in the 2015 deluge and the current flooding indicates the core civic issue has not been addressed.

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