Some San Thome houses report water seeping through floor due to water-logging

Aagnes Lazar spent much time at her Jonehan Street home, a small colony located off San Thome High Road trying to clear the rainwater that had welled up in her ground floor home.

She says the water seems to have seeped from under the floor and this alarmed the family. They suspect the flooding on San Thome High Road zone has raised groundwater level and this is the cause of this flooding.

When Aagnes stepped out this morning to look around Jonehan Street, her neighbours said they too had problems similar to hers.

Rainwater entering ground floor houses was reported from Mandaveli and Mandavelipakkam too. In many places, as the water entered the campuses and lashed the entry points, the SOS buttons had to be pressed.

  • Photo by Aagnes Lazar


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