Vedantha Desikar’s birthday celebrations on Friday are open to people

In a positive development for devotees of Vedantha Desikar Srinivasa Perumal temple, the birthday celebrations of Vaishnavite Acharya Vedantha Desikar that will take place tomorrow Friday can now be enjoyed by them inside the temple.

This follows the TN chief minister’s announcement on Thursday evening of the removal of restrictions on the public’s access to temples on Fridays and the weekends.

It will be a long day at the temple with the series of events starting with Mangalasasanam at 6am on Friday morning. This will be followed by a process of Srinivasa Perumal and Vedantha Desikar inside the temple at 8am. There will be a Thirumanjanam at 10am.

The celebrations on Friday evening will start with Pathi Ulathal followed by Voyaali and a procession of Desikar on Mangala Giri. The ten day avathara utsavam will conclude late in the evening with presentation by Prabhandham members of Namazhvaar’s final canto of Tiruvoimozhi verses.

Temple trustee Ananthapadmanabhan confirmed that all processions on Friday will only be inside the temple as the restriction on street processions has still not be lifted.

  • Report by S. Prabhu
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