Quibble Island Cemetery gets ready for All Souls Day. But church goers unsure if state will allow visits.

The vintage building that serves as entrance and office of Quibble Island Cemetery in R. A. Puram is getting a fresh coat of paint. And it is to be painted red; it used to be a deep blue.

Inside, workers are busy clearing wild vegetation around the graves.

Said Fr. Arul Raj, parish priest at San Thome Cathedral who oversees this cemetery, ” We want to prepare the cemetery for the annual All Soul’s Day visit on Nov.2, when people pray for the dead.”

The cemetery does not have space now to accommodate the dead and only recycles old family graves. It has two sections – one for Catholics and one for Protestants.

Church goers are still not clear if the state’s pandemic time rules will permit them to visit cemeteries on Nov.2. As of now, such gatherings are not allowed.

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