Christians told not to visit cemeteries on All Souls Day. They may do so on other days.

Christians are being informed that they must not visit cemeteries to pray fpr the dead on All Souls Day which falls Nov.2 since the state’s  pandemic time rules discourage such gatherings.

Fr. Bosco, parish priest of Our Lady of Guidance Church in R. A. Puram which manages the cemetery on St Mary’s Road of the city’s civic body meant for Christians said that GCC officials informed him on phone of the Nov.2 regulation.

“So we are asking families to visit the graves on other days of they need to,” the priest said on Wednesday.

The same rule will apply to the Quibble Island Cemetery in the MRC Nagar zone and to cemeteries across the city.

Meanwhile, some 15 workers have been busy clearing the St Marys Road cemetery campus of wild vegetation to prepare the place for people who will start visiting here for prayer and reflection from Sunday onwards.

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