This Uriyadi Utsavam at Vedantha Desikar Srinivasa Perumal was simple

The Uriyadi Utsavam that would have otherwise been celebrated with a street procession of Srinivasa Perumal and Lord Kannan took place as a simple event with a joint procession inside the Vedantha Desikar Srinivasa Perumal temple on Wednesday evening.

Till 2011, the event relating to the breaking of the pot containing the favourite eats of Krishna used to be part of the Uriyadi Utsavam.

Devotees, especially the young ones, used to watch the event with great excitement with the elders narrating the story of child Krishna, his playful activities and his liking for sweets.

On Wednesday evening, a few regular devotees of the temple watched the joint procession accompanied by Vedic recital.

Earlier, on the occasion of Krishna jayanthi celebrations on Tuesday evening, hundreds of devotees watched the Thirumanjanam that was followed by presentation of prasadam.

  • Report, photo by S. Prabhu
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