Pavitrotsavam celebrated at Vedantha Desikar Srinivasa Perumal Temple

One of the most sacred and grandest utsavams of the year, the seven day Pavitrotsavam, took place last week at the Vedantha Desikar Srinivasa Perumal Temple. The utsavam was marked by a procession of  Srinivasa Perumal and Vedantha Desikar every evening.

There was a Homam every morning and evening with Prabhandham members presenting the 4000 sacred verses of the Azhvaars followed by Desikar Prabhandham.

Through the seven days of the utsavam, there was also Vedic chanting with all the four Vedas being recited alongside the Prabhandham recital. An interesting feature of both the Prabhandham and the Vedic recital was the presence of a number of young members aged below 15.

On the final evening on Sunday (Sept 26), Prabhandham members recited the sacred verses for well over two hours that culminated in the big Poornahathi, marking the end of the seven homam performance.

After midnight, there was Thirumanjanam followed by Pathi Ulaathal, a procession inside the temple complex. The utsavam ended with Prokshanam and the Prabhandham members presenting Satru Murai of the sacred verses of the Azhvaar and Vedantha Desikar.

  • Report by S Prabhu

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