Orderly immersion of Vinayaka images is on at Pattinapakkam seafront

Small groups of people, carrying images of lord Vinayaka have been arriving at the seashore of Pattinapakkam since 4 p.m. this Friday evening to immerse the image in the sea after Vinayaka Chathurthi celebrations at home.

Some arrived in cars or in autos, some on bikes and police said that there were no lorries carrying large images as yet – the large images were not allowed to be set in public spaces this year due to the pandemic.

Police men and women have been posted on San Thome High Road and near the seafront and everything has been orderly.

In the past, the immersion was a massive, loud and crowded affair, with the Pattinpakkam seafront one of the key locations for the immersion of images.

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