Ground feedback indicates that large numbers of people in Mylapore zone yet to take the vaccine

Are there a good number of people across the Mylapore zone who still have not taken the first jab of the vaccine?

Yes, going by a rough estimate that local staff of Chennai Corporation have made based on feedback from the ground from contract aid workers.

“Yes, more and more people are wanting to get the jab but there are many more who need to be persuaded to take it,” says a GCC medical officer who oversees the vaccination process in this part of Teynampet zone.

Currently, Covaxin stocks are available and GCC staff are informing all those who want to take the first jab to take Covaxin now and be assured that the same will be available for their second jab.

“But for some reason they want Covishield,” says a GCC staff. “ Many people seem to go by what the media is talking about now.”

GCC staff have also been told to get people with problems like hypertension and diabetes to get vaccinated now since they could be in danger if there is a serial rise in the virus spread in the weeks to come.

The GCC team is prepared to serve communities which want a vaccine camp in their colony; such requests have been routed by the Mylapore MLA to ensure large numbers attend a camp. Recently, a camp was held in a church hall in R. A. Puram and close to 200 doses were administered.

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One Comment on “Ground feedback indicates that large numbers of people in Mylapore zone yet to take the vaccine”

  1. Covishield has greater efficiency over a period of time. Covaxin has less efficiency though hype puts it higher because its seen as a foreign product.
    I would like to add that that a certain local weekly is quite friendly with crowds and creates a hype about it despite the dangers lurking everywhere. The weekly is not doing due diligence as short cut minded folks make that as a reason for assembling in large numbers. Its not that nothing happens…. the third wave has started.
    Numbers getting higher….deaths higher than recoveries.
    Every small carelessness is etched in public consciousness as a ticket to be careless as well.
    Please help community clean up the mess. Kindly don’t publish news and publish pictures which send wrong signal. A crowd is a crowd….not wearing masks is not wearing masks ….FULL STOP. whether done by Christian priests, Hindu priests, fishermen, or stalls selling fishy dishes…
    Kindly be the change to see the change which is very very needed.

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