San Thome Cathedral members highlight serious social problems laity is facing at pandemic time

The lay leaders of the Catholic community which attends St. Thomas Cathedral in San Thome got their first opportunity to open up and converse with the priests who have taken charge of new postings some weeks ago.

The relaxed pandemic time regulations allowed for a weekend meet called for by the new parish priest Fr. M. Amalraj, who was eager to have the exchange.

The meet, attended b y some 50 leaders of what are called ‘anbiyams’ ( local units of Catholic families based in each area in San Thome) allowed the laity to brief the new parish priest on reviving the anbiyams which had remained dormant ant due to the lockdowns and pandemic and to vitalise the services that these unit members render at Holy Mass and allied services.

Some anbiyam leaders also see the urgent need for the church to address some dire problems that many poor families are facing due to the pandemic.

Said one woman who wished to remain anonymous. “People ask us if the church can help get them some funds or arrange for jobs now. These people are desperate.”

Another member says school-going children also need help; they have not paid their fees yet and may even drop-out.

“There is a need for an Education Fund to be launched by the church and laity to meet this need. While we have a good number of people who will donate, they are not offered a well-managed fund that will genuinely meet the needs of children,” says this anbiyam member.

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