Marina beach draws lots of people this Sunday

Relaxed rules at pandemic time brought more people to the Marina this Sunday. Yes, they knew they would not be able to walk across the sands and wet their feet off the sea shore but hung around the fringe of the beach on Sunday evening.

The regular walkers went about their workout to themselves, on the broad pavement. As the sun went down, families who had got here and found no easy access crept on to the lawns here and sat on the granite pathways, their eyes feasting on the sea to the far east.

Some others found spaces around the Gandhi statue square and sat down here, some others using the equipment at the small open-air gym behind the statue.

Police patrols, moving up and down the service road checked the adventurous few who had walked onto the sands and shooed them away, the police blaring their warnings on the loud speakers.

The main roadside got chaotic as cars and bikes sought parking space, only to be driven off by patrol police.

Many other people were keen to shop for fish on the Marina Loop Road, which had been busy since dawn today.

And some families and couples managed to outwit the patrolling police and spend time on the sands in this zone of the beachfront.

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