Chennai Metro rail project: is revised plan not to affect too many private properties in Mylapore, Luz and Alwarpet?

A couple of years ago, there was much apprehension when basic plans of one part of Phase 2 of the Chennai Metro rail project, the one between Light House and Poonamallee was unveiled.

What the plan meant then was that many private properties in San Thome, Kutchery Road, Luz, Alwarpet and around would have to be partially or fully handed over for this project.

Now, it is learnt that the project has been reworked and that the planners have ensured that civil works will make use of all properties of the state and very few private properties will be acquired. However, Chennai Metro has not officially stated so.

Earlier this week, in an advertisement on land acquisition that Chennai Metro put out, there were less than 10 private properties that were listed for acquisition.

Mylapore Times made several phone calls to the officers handling this issue at Chennai Metro but did not get a formal response.

Meanwhile, many shop-owners in the Luz-Mylapore zone feel that Chennai Metro has considered their objections and petitions and reworked parts of the project in such a way that very few private properties would now be affected.

 “They have redesigned the project so as to use all government properties and vacant lands more effectively. We heard is that Chennai Metro will not touch many private properties and work in such a way to cause least obstruction to the private spaces”, said a shop-owner on Luz Church Road.

 The owner of a popular shop on Kutchery Road said that while their property was in the original list that was prepared a few years ago, their name does not figure in the latest list.

 We learn that Chennai Corporation property at Luz Circle and the vacant land near The Mylapore Club  belonging to Sri Kapaleeswarar Temple  is likely to be used as key work spaces.

 One property owner said that in the case where private properties will be affected before ground work starts, it will only amount to the relocation of the compound wall or carving out small slices of the land.  

But all shop-owners fear a major and long dislocation once civil work begins on Kutchery Road, Luz Circle, Luz Church Road and in Alwarpet.

  • Report by S. Prabhu
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