Big rush for vaccination at Alwarpet centre. Tokens for walk-ins get exhausted quickly.

More and more people are getting themselves vaccinated, grabbing the first opportunity they get to get this done. This is confirmed by the trend at the vaccination process in Alwarpet organised by Chennai Corporation day after day.

The process is now held at the Chennai School on Bheemana Street, located off C. P. Ramaswamy Road – this school is run by Chennai Corporation and provides for better space to carry out the vaccination for a large number of people.

For over a week now, the 100 tokens issued at this centre / GCC clinic in Alwarpet from about 8 a.m. onwards are exhausted in 45 minutes. The vaccination starts at about 10 a.m. at the school’s classrooms.

The big rush is for walk-ins.

GCC has also arranged for online booking but there seems to be few takers for this facility. But those who book online are treated at an independent counter here.

Only Covishield vaccine is administered now.

  • Photo by Madhan Kumar used here was shot on Sunday morning – July 4.


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