At Mandaveli Post Office, business is back to busy days

Mandaveli Post Office is now back in full swing with customer footfalls back at pre-Covid times.

T. Satyabhama Post Mistress told  Mylapore Times on Friday that the Sub Post Office has been opening 300 new SB accounts every month and this compares favourably with the pre-Covid times.

During the lockdown, while mail services such as registered parcels and Speed Post bookings came down by about 40%, the medicine / medical goods parcels saw a big rise.

In July, the parcels and Speed Posts are back in full swing again with customer walk-ins registering good numbers and reaching pre Covid levels.

She points out that the financial services such as SB accounts, PLI premium collection, Savings schemes and digital account openings have been keeping the staff busy and they get very little break through the day as the customer rush is very heavy for these services.

The Mandaveli PO was reopened in November 2020 after renovation and now sports a new look.

The PO functions from 9.30am to 3.30pm for mail services and till 5.30pm for enquiries and stamp purchases

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One Comment on “At Mandaveli Post Office, business is back to busy days”

  1. Sir,
    It is better to put black soil over the Kapaleeswar temple tank, so that water level can improve. Complete cleaning is needed before the onset of Northeast monsoon which will commence around middle of October. All the SWD water to be let into the tank, so that water level may increase substantially.

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